Soulmates: Here is what I know to be true.

Soul mates are the people you learn the most from. Mine have taught me the most valuable lessons and helped me grow as a person. They taught me to be less sensitive, less controlling, set boundaries, say no, to put my needs first, be more accepting of people and their faults, and more.

The three women who taught me this are Lisa, Shari and Jaime, who are pictured here. Lisa and Shari are my two best friends from childhood. We met when we were 10 years old and have been in each other’s lives for over 40 years. Then I met Jaime 10 years ago. To call them friends would be an understatement, they are my family - my soul connections.

Throughout the years we experienced many trials and tribulations in our own lives, ranging from births, deaths, illness, accomplishments and disappointments. Through it all, we have stayed close - forever growing and changing. We never have to worry about anything when we are together… we are able to be our most authentic selves.

What is the secret to having these connections? Here is what I know to be true.

- These connections have to be treated with importance – they need to be a priority; given focus and time.
- You must maintain shared experiences. You have to ritualize them, so when life gets crazy and complex as it often does, these connections stay strong.
- You have to make what’s important in their lives important to you – and show up.
- You need to be there in the good times and bad. You don’t know what life is going to throw at you – you need to cheer lead and support when the most amazing things are happening as well as the worst.
- You have to be willing to put the work in… friendships that are close need authenticity, and sometimes some help to keep things going strong. You have to be able to say when you are hurt and always know what the expectations are of one another.

It is never too late to find a soul connection with a friend… when it fits, it fits and then it begins.


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