Small Changes Make a Big Difference.

Thanks to technology and social media, starting at a very young age we are more aware of what is going on in the world than ever before.

Today there are more solutions presented to change our habits and behaviors to minimize the way we damage our environment.  There are now energy saving cars to hurt the environment less, paper straws to not hurt turtles, vegetable burgers that taste like beef to not hurt animals and the environment, but still, people stay stuck in their ways to avoid experiencing any

discomfort.  We actually cannot use the excuse that we didn’t know, or that there is not scientific data behind global warming.

One person cares about plastic, so they do not buy anymore small bottles of water, but they eat meat.  Another will not give up plastic straws because they love them.  No one wants to give up their cars, especially the SUVs. People treat their dogs and cats as family members but do not seem to want to care about the rest of the animal kingdom...even though the slaughterhouses are the biggest culprit for creating global warming.  I could go on and on here but you see my point?

I care a lot and try very hard but I too have trouble going all the way.  I am *mostly* vegan, meaning I eat eggs.  Also, I started to rid my life of all leather from my wallet, to my car seats.  I recycle, though I have not completely given up plastic bottles - it is on my radar as the next hurdle.

Do not be fooled, it is hard!  You feel like you are the only one, so what is the point?  It is frustrating at times when you are so conscientious and watch people around you not to seemingly care at all.  I get it, we like our comforts, but to what avail?  Does the greater good come into the equation at all?

How many of us live in our little worlds, where as long as things are okay, we can block out the larger picture?  Until it impacts us personally, we have the ability to block out what is happening to the rest of the world.  What happens when your needs change based on factors you cannot control?  You might care when illness strikes, your water is contaminated, or global warming impacts your city.  Will it be too late to make changes?

This is also true on a micro level.  You know you can be making healthier choices but you do not want to give up your favorite foods.  You know you need to exercise but you do not feel like it.  You are against abortion until your child needs one.  You do not support gay marriage until someone in your family comes out.  You are judgmental about a friend who stayed with their spouse after cheating, and then it happens to you.  This is all too familiar right?  These examples make us cringe. But as we all learn eventually, things do not turn out the exact way we had hoped and we must shift.

We can only see what we see based on our experience in life; it is human nature.  You have to try harder to open up your heart and to get into the experience of another.

None of us know what the future holds, and what support we will need - but we do know some things.  The knowledge is available.  We need to use it before things go wrong.  We need to try to prevent things that could hurt us and doing damage before it is too late.

On a last note, please know that this post is not to make you feel bad.  It is to bring awareness to something I feel so passionate about.  Like I said, it is hard and I am still in the process too.   It can feel depriving to give up things that we love.  Remember, it is a process and it takes time.  Just reading this and beginning to think about small changes you can make is a great first step.


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